Monday, June 29, 2015

Miss Peregrine's Series ♡♡More in depth♡♡

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
☆Hollow City (2nd in series)

If I were to tell you every intimate detail of this series, it would end up being more confusing to you than if you were to read it yourself. However, this series, so far, has made such an impact on me that I decided I want to tell you more in some detail of what's going on. Maybe then you will really want to read it.

The first book starts with the main character, Jacob Portman, explaining how his grandpa would tell him stories from when he was younger. As a child, Jacob loved hearing about them, but once he started sharing them to others at school or at home, kids made fun of him, and his family would tell him that none of it was true. That his grandpa was telling these stories to make them sound more like fairytales as a way to hide what horrors that he actually faced as he grew up.

Jacob's grandfather sought refuge in this home away from the war that reeked havoc in his home country of Poland. (WW1) After hearing about these stories, and everyone else telling Jacob that none of this talk of peculiar children and monsters weren't true, he admitted to his grandpa that he didn't believe any of it.

The stories themselves seemed out of this world, about a group of peculiar children who lived together in this huge house on a small island off the mainland of Britain. These children were kept safe by the headmistress, who has the power to turn into a bird. Of course there's a whole purpose for why that is, but that's where reading the book itself would be easier than me explaining it to you. But just as Jacob's grandfather lived there hiding from the enemies of war, the peculiar children also hid from the monsters he often told Jacob about.

So these children were peculiar all in different ways. Think of peculiar as being magical, each one with a special talent. One that could fly, one that was invisible, one had bees living inside of his stomach, one that could manipulate plants, one that could produce fire from her hands, and many more.

Once Jacob was 15, he believed his grandfather was suffering from dementia, but found out later that wasn't the case at all. He gets a call while he's at work, his grandpa desperately trying to find the key to the gun cabinet to protect himself from the monsters. So Jacob goes to his house to check on him and finds him in the woods behind his house, evidently attacked by some creature, who Jacob actually sees right there beside them.

But of course, after that's all said and done, no one would believe that this "monster" his grandfather always warned him about had actually existed, let alone killed the poor old man. So his parents insist on him seeing a psychiatrist. That goes on for a while, and at one point the Doctor was trying to help Jacob make sense of his grandfather's last words, clues. Which eventually brings him to the island where the peculiar children live.

Once he gets a chance to find the home, he sees that it's been destroyed completely from bombs during the wartime. However, he stumbled upon something, or rather someone who leads him back through the past where he meets the famous peciliar children his grandfather always told him about. How he travels back in time is where it gets a little confusing, well if I explained it, it would be.

So from the moment he meets these peculiar children he's learning bit by bit of their history, and then eventually that history catches up to them. He finds himself along side them on a quest to stay alive. That's where the first book ends.

Then the second starts from the end of the first and continues on through a long journey of time travelling. All in an effort to save Miss Peregrine, their headmistress and bird as apparently she's stuck in her bird form and cannot transform back to her human self.

The entire second book is a great adventure. The author takes you through each step of the way with Jacob and the children on their quest to save Miss Peregrine, and along the way they find themselves in some dire situations, some of which leave you holding your breath with worry for their sake as if you were right there with them. The obstacles they face are always different, yet similar in some ways, and each one they find a new way to overcome them.

It's definitely more action packed and suspenseful than the first book. And the end of it has a much more intense chiffhangar than the first. The first book ended on a somewhat melancholy note, but everyone is accounted for and in a safe situation, as opposed to the second which makes you question what might have happened next.

Well, we won't know until the third book is published in September. Oh! I can't wait!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hollow City 2nd novel of Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children

Hollow City second novel to
Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children
Author Ransom Biggs
Published Jan 2014

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children was the surprise best seller of 2011—an unprecedented mix of YA fantasy and vintage photography that enthralled readers and critics alike. Its sequel,Hollow City, begins in 1940, immediately after the first book ended. Having escaped Miss Peregrine’s island by the skin of their teeth, Jacob and his new friends must journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world. Along the way, they encounter new allies, a menagerie of peculiar animals, and other unexpected surprises.

What did I think about this book?

Just as amazing as the first. It takes off exactly where the author stopped from the first book, and continues on an adventurous journey where the children are trying to save Miss Peregrine as she is stuck in her bird form. (If you haven't read the first one, that reference won't make sense to you.)

So many obstacles in their plan, so many times you'll be on the edge of your seat just wondering what will happen next. I couldn't for the life of me put this book down.

It's a mix of fantasy topped with time traveling and suspense, and sprinkled with just a little bit of love.

And just as the first one did, this one too leaves you on a chiffhangar. So....guess I'm just going to have to read that one next.

Mind you, I read these two books online, free. I don't have the actual book copies, but after reading them, I guarantee that I'll be making them a part of my physical collection.

Overall Rating: (out of 5 stars)
5- This story just keeps getting better and better.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Author Ransom Riggs
Published June 2011

The description on the book is as such:

A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. And a strange collection of very curious photographs. It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children who once lived here—one of whom was his own grandfather—were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a desolate island for good reason. And somehow—impossible though it seems—they may still be alive.

A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows.

Hmm. I didn't even read this description until I was half way through the book. This peculiar book was suggested to me by my nephew. So I read it.

What did I think of this book?

It's not a book I would've picked for myself to read, BUT I found that I had quite a problem putting it down, even for a moment.

The story starts out slow and sort of bland, ordinary. After the incident, Jacob is in Wales, and from there it gets into the most vivid descriptions of a fantasy world that I, myself, would never have been able to imagine on my own.

So very well written, how the words are used to tell the story, it feels like it matches the setting so suitably. Especially the characters' dialogues, just right on point.

If I even attempted to try and explain this story to you, I'd probably mess it all up where it would just confuse you. So I strongly suggest just reading it.

So much imagination went into this book, it's just amazing to think one person came up with this story. Definitely a wonderful read. And another little tidbit, this book is set to be made into a movie directed by none other than Tim Burton, perfect choice I might add, coming in March 2016.

Overall Rating: (out of 5 stars)
5- Definitely. And I can't wait to read what happens in the next one.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Alliance Book 2 ☆☆Wattpad Review☆☆

The Alliance Book 2
Author Lisa Douglas

This book is not entirely finished. It's up to chapter 21 as of right now. So

What did I think of this book?

Same characters as in the first. The first left on a cliffhanger, so this is the continuance for that.

The love story part is definitely better than the first, same two characters. Although, there's a bit of a twist involved in this book that makes things more interesting.

I don't want to divulge too much, but let's just say the author uses a whole different idea for this book that actually works really well.

Once the book has been finished, then I will finish my review because as of right now, it's definitely in the heart of the action.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Alliance ☆☆Wattpad Review☆☆

The Alliance
Author Lisa Douglas

I know this book has not been thoroughly edited as of yet. Although, you don't really pay much attention to that as you're reading. So....

What did I think of this book?

I enjoyed it very much. It's a bit longer than the other ones I've read before. And actually, this is the second time I've read this one.

I love how the author plays out the histories of the characters and the history of the story. There are so many different characters in this book, many that you may find yourself getting attached to easily. There are two kinds of vampires, Elites and Dark Ones. As well as werewolves, augars (witches), Nephillims, and hybrids.

There's a bit of a love story with the main two characters, Trinity and Ambrose, but there's also a few others as well. I found it quite confusing trying to keep up with what was going on between Trinity and Ambrose though. In a way, it seemed like it was more or less like a game of ping pong, going back and forth. Not very entertaining. Actually, quite annoying. Although it never stopped me from continuing to read further.

There's another series that I will be doing reviews on down the road called The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan. After reading The Alliance, I sense an influence from the Helena Callahan series in this book. There are a lot of similarities and differences. The most prominent similarity being the actions, attitude, and personality traits of the main character, Trinity. I could be wrong in that the author did not use Helena Callahan as an influence on her main character, but I really don't see much difference either to make me think otherwise.

There's a second book following this one, which I will be reading and reviewing next. This first book leaves you at a chiffhangar, so stay tuned!!

Overall Rating: (out of 5 stars)
4- I enjoyed it before, as much as I enjoyed it this time, but it's still not quite a perfect 5 yet.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Bit Of Moi

A little about myself.

I'm Kimi, as you already know. No, Sunshine is not my real last name. It's more of an Internet persona. I'm obviously a big time reader, if I wasn't then this blog would be pointless. Lol.

On a serious note, I do go through time periods where I just read ALL the time practically. It's so difficult sometimes to put down a good story before the end. I'm sure many can relate to that.

My biggest reading interest is romance novels. I'm addicted to them. Although, I have read other types like mysteries, supernatural themed, or the occasional life stories of the authors themselves.

Although, I mostly like romance, I will basically read almost anything. I'm not a fan of a anime though. Just not my thing.

If you have any book suggestions that you'd like me to read, feel free to leave a comment. If you happen to read any of the books I've reviewed already, leave your feedback in that particular review if you'd like. I'd love to hear what you thought of it.

I won't typically reveal too much detail into the stories I review because I rather not spoil it for anyone else. All my reviews are based on what I thought about the books. I try to do my best to explain my reasoning behind it. I don't think I'm a harsh critic, (nor do I think I'm a professional critic).

Because I read so much, I thought it would be fun to share my views on the stories. Maybe even get more readers interested as well.

So with all that said, back to my other realities. Hope you enjoy.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Stalked ☆☆Wattpad Review☆☆

Author Vanessa_89
1.95 Million views

As a beloved reader, I myself, have the objection when reading to visualize myself in that character's world. I think most dedicated readers would feel the same. The author has to tell their story so descriptively so that you WILL feel like you're in that person's shoes. Almost as if you're in a whole other time and place. That's what makes reading so enjoyable.

What did I think of this book?

Well, it does not surprise me that its only had under 2 million views. For Wattpad, that's not as much as it could be.

So, I felt after reading this story that everything felt kind of rushed. While the plot, characters, and time line all seem to be decent, there were holes left unfilled along the way.

As I mentioned in the first part of this review, the reader should feel like they're living in the character's place. In this regard, I didn't feel that way. The author did a good job on describing the events and emotions that played out, but not as descriptively as it could have been.

The author did, however, use her own ideas on what affects vampires as far as their strengths and weaknesses go. I felt that in one scene it was kind of a rip off of Twilight. And saying that is pretty bad because I've never read the books or seen the movies. But for this particular scene I'm talking about, I did watch on youtube. I can't say it's a complete copy of that, but very, very close to it.

There should have been more background on the characters as well as the history of the vampires and werewolves.

Overall Rating: (out of 5 stars)
3- It was decent. Kept me interested enough to finish it, but I doubt I'd read it again.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

BDSM is My Normal ☆☆Wattpad Review☆☆

BDSM is my Normal
Author Carnaldesire
3.39 million views

Okay, aside from the fact that I know Wattpad authors don't use up a lot of time editing their stories, this one is something else ENTIRELY.

What do I think of this book?

Honestly, I haven't gotten past chapter 3. The description of the story makes it sound like it's going to be really good, but once you start reading. It's like BAM! here we go. From 0 to 100 in less than 2 pages. No buildup whatsoever.

The author even has a whole introduction about how she's writing about the lifestyle as she knows it. That she's done her research. "Don't compare mine to Fifty Shades Of Grey". Oh, dear god! She warns anyone NOT to correct her grammar, or anything else for that matter.

Just 3 chapters. And I know I should probably tough it out and read the whole thing to give it a proper review, but bite my ass, I don't think I'm going to. Gah!

First scene, guy roommate comes home, immediately tells the girl to go to the bedroom. Once in there, he starts making demands. Strip. Lay down. Open your legs for me. Handcuffs her to the bed without ANY discussion as to what the hell is happening beforehand. Big mistake there, Miss. And just starts whipping out toys and increments that she has no clue about, and starts using them. But if course, she's not all "Omg, what's going on?" It's more like, "Oh, wow this is best sex I've ever had. With any man. Ever!" And at that part, they've barely got past the foreplay. Seriously?

My suggestion, don't bother. How in the world it has over 3 million views is beyond me.

Overall Rating: (out of 5 stars)
0- The author can't write well and doesn't know enough about the lifestyle she is choosing to write about. Enough said.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered. ☆☆Wattpad review☆☆

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered.
Author Avril Tremayne
4.5 million views

Keep in mind, when reading stories posted on Wattpad, the authors may not have gone into a deep editing stage. Most of the time, they are more interested in getting the story updated chapter by chapter so that their readers are satisfied. And there's nothing wrong with that at all. If you choose to join Wattpad to indulge in some good free reading, don't be so quick to point out their grammar mistakes on every turn. Anyways, back to the task at hand.

First off, I'm not 100% sure this book is completed. At times you may come across a story in mid stride. I'm pretty sure this is a complete story because I didn't feel like I was left without a conclusion.

What did I think of the book?

I rather enjoyed it. The author does a great job at making the main character's personality stand out in more ways than one. It starts off at the moment where she is going to meet with a guy named Adam to discuss a contracted deal which will include sex lessons pretty much.
She's never met this guy, but he's the brother of one of her best friends.

I don't think I've ever heard of a story much like this one. It had me thinking maybe the contract agreement would be more of a Dominant/submissive relationship. It's not, and that's okay. The author did it completely different than I would've guessed it to turn out before reading. Not to mention, the well written account of how all this came to be.

So with all that being said, there's a lot of sexual action going on. Writing descriptive sex scenes can be rather difficult without making it sound completely cheesy. But this author definitely hits the nail on the head.

If this type of book suits you, as it does me, it will possibly have even you, all hot and bothered at times.

Of course I won't give away the ending, or anything specific leading up to it because really, I want you to read this story. It's definitely worth reading.

Overall Rating: (out of 5 stars)
5- Good story line, great rendering of character personality AND lots of good action.

Tangled Beauty

Tangled Beauty
Author K.L. Middleton
Published 2013

Found on the Amazon Kindle app free. It is the entire book, however it's the first book of a series. The series does not continue on with the story line of the main characters from this book. It does, however, include them as side characters instead. So after reading this one, you'll already have the backgrounds and personalities for those characters.

What did I think about the book?

I liked how the chain of events took place. There's the ultimate idea already laid out after the first couple chapters. And that is that Sinclair is asked by her gay friend Jesse to escort him to a weekend at his parents place posing as his girlfriend. Things start to get hot after Sinclair meets Jesse's brother, Reed. I can honestly say I've never seen that main point being used in a story before, and it was well written indeed.

The plot twist will practically leave you on edge of your seat. No spoilers! I will say, though, as the author switches back and forth from the different point of views of Sinclair and Reed, you may end up confused as to who the unintroduced male is in the story. I didn't particularly like how that was written and how I had to keep guessing to figure out what was going on. I even resorted to Google before I even got to the part where it all made sense. I didn't look for specifics on Google, but let me just say, go with it. Just keep reading.

There's suspense and passion that leaves you on the edge of your seat wanting more. Because the author switches the point of view between the two main characters, you always know exactly how they're feeling and what they're thinking, even though the characters themselves don't know that about the other.

There's no happily ever after in the sense that they're now married and so on and so forth. BUT being that it's the first of a series, let's hope they jump back to these two lovebirds again.

There's a surprise cliffhanger on the very end as well. Again, no spoilers!

Overall Rating: (out of 5 stars)

5- The whole story comes together so well. And the sex scenes, are written so well they're vivid in your mind.

My Life as a White Trash Zombie

My Life as a White Trash Zombie
Author Diana Rowland
Published 2011

I know, judging a book by its cover is not always fair. There could be a really good story behind a really not so great cover, and in that case the title, or the description on the back has to have something of substance in order for me to want to read it.

In this case, the front cover of this book is what initially piqued my interest. THAT and the title.

What did I think about the book?

Very interesting book. The author projects the main character, who obviously becomes a zombie, as more of a intelligible person and not as the frenzied, brain eating zombies we all are more familiar with. For the majority of the book, she has NO IDEA who made her into this new being. Although she does learn how to control her zombie urges.

The author definitely did an excellent job with the timeline. Anything mentioned in the first few characters that may throw you off, are explained towards the ending chapters. It has a bit of mystery to it on that aspect.

For anyone with a VERY weak stomach, I wouldn't suggest this book to you because there are moments where they describe gruesome details very accurately.

The job that the main character has, the author must have done her research beforehand. Either that or she's just that damn good at writing. Probably both. :)

There is a bit of a love story involved, but it does not stand out as any romance novel would. Also, there are no sex scenes, and for that, I was disappointed, BUT I do not regret picking this book up to read.

Overall Rating: (out of 5 stars)
4- It was reeeeally good, but personally, I want more romance and more action.